Category: News
Bartosz Greń won the Best Presentation Award at BIMac2019 23rd Bratislava International Conference on Macromolecules in Bratislava, Slovakia
Joanna Sulkowska was invited to talk at 12th EBSA 10th ICBP-IUPAP Biophysics Congress: Biophysics for Life and Technology
17 July 2019: Seminar by Dima Kozakov: “Efficient sampling and optimization on manifolds for macromolecular docking”, Warsaw
The Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by
Dima Kozakov, PhD
Stony Brook University, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Efficient sampling and optimization on manifolds for macromolecular docking
Date: July, 17th (Wednesday), 2019 at 12.30 p.m.
Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C,
Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor)
Host: dr. hab Joanna Sułkowska