We are happy to announce, that prof. Joanna Sulkowska has received an AIM SQuaRE grant for 3 years (Caltech, USA)!
More information about the AIM SQuaRE program can be found here: https://aimath.org/programs/squares/
Category: News
Workshops for Polish Children’s Fund (Krajowy Fundusz na Rzecz Dzieci)
On June 17-21, 2024, members of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Modeling Biological Systems had the pleasure of conducting workshops for Polish Children’s Fund.
Topic: Hallucinations of AI methods in practice, development of an experimental method for expressing new proteins (Halucynacje metod AI w praktyce, opracowanie metody doświadczalnej do ekspresji nowych białek)
Presenters: Julia Sosinska, Mateusz Fortunka, Mariusz Mozajew, Maciek Sikora
Kamil Łuczkiewicz Master’s Degree, Faculty of Physics, UW
We are pleased to announce that Kamil Łuczkiewicz received a Master’s degree for his thesis “Classification of non-trivial topologies in polymers and proteins using machine learning methods”. Congratulations!
Agata Perlińska Doctorate Degree, Faculty of Biology, UW
Congratulations to Agata Perlińska on defending her PhD thesis at the Faculty of Biology! The work “Impact of the knotted motif on protein structure and function” can be found here: https://repozytorium.uw.edu.pl/entities/publication/f476bf4a-740a-44b6-87cc-b5f91df8aee9
Mateusz Fortunka EMBO scholarship to participate in workshops in Grenoble
We are happy to share, that Mateusz Fortunka has received an scholarship to participate in the EMBO Practical Course “Structure, dynamics and function of biological macromolecules by NMR”. More information about the event is here: https://meetings.embo.org/event/24-nmr
Marta Korpacz Erasmus Scholarship
Marta Korpacz received an Erasmus scholarship for a semester stay at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
Marta Korpacz DeepMind Scholarship
We are happy to share, that Marta Korpacz has received a DeepMind Scholarship. More information here: https://www.uw.edu.pl/stypendystki-czwartej-edycji-deepmind/